Packaging System

Uttati’s Oils Packaging System

Uttati’s Oils packaging system is simple, but the main purpose is complex. 

Our bottles look simple because we invest more in our products’ quality. When you buy a bottle of essential oils you pay for the product itself and not for the package. We use the cheapest packaging system because we want our customers (Mainly Professionals and Therapists) to pay only for the oils inside the bottle. Packaging counts but, for us, quality is king. We believe that the quality will remain long after the price is forgotten.

Uttati’s Oils bottles are clear.

We want our client to see the beautiful and natural colors of our pure oils. Colored glass bottles may look good, but how can one see the true color of what’s inside the bottle. We believe that everyone has the right to see what they’ve really bought and not only a beautiful camouflage that can hide the truth. Some producers say that they use colored bottles because they want to protect the oils’ quality. This is not completely true. Essential oils are not death sensitive to light. So, as this argument falls down, there’s nothing left to believe that the colored bottles are used for marketing purposes. A colored bottle means the possibility to hide cloudy, separating, darker, diluted or impure oils. Uttati’s Oils bottles are clear so you can clearly see the product inside the bottle. When the oils are old, they start to be dark, so we want to show you that our essential oils are fresh and completely free of impurities.

Our bottles come in small size.

These small tester bottles allow the customers to select and buy several types of essential oils. Our oils are pure and strong so you don’t have to buy ounces of them. Also, we use small bottles because we want to give you the opportunity to experiment with our full range of products, so whatever your needs are you can use small amounts of them.

Our Blends are based on concentrated complex formulas using so many oils per blend.